The stream becomes a dirty brown in even the lightest rain, but it quickly clears up.
Small fungi thrive in the moist enviorment near the vernal pool
Skunk cabbage make a sea of green on both sides of the stream
False Hellebore (which is still poisonous) grows among the Skunk Cabbage
The moss is ankle deep, and it looks just like small trees up close
Ferns grow waist high, some almost reached my shoulders!
Blueberry bushes are almost hidden amongst the ferns
Ferns as the toads see them.
This is a single pine, I couldn't reach ever half way across the massive trunk
I'm definitely not someone you'd cal squeamish, but wading through this, I just didn't think about what could quite possibly be in that muck under my bare feet.
The vernal pools have a....almost jungle like look to them, right here in Jersey we do have places that can be truly beautiful.