Note on the pictures

I only use pictures I've taken myself on this blog. And these pictures are all exactly how I found things, nothing is ever moved or arranged.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Walkin in the Rain

I woke up yesterday to pouring rain. I had already decided I wanted to walk to the Flat Brook river first thing, and a lil rain wasn't going to change that. I pulled on a light rain slicker and just went barefoot! The water turns the tree trunks a very dark brown, and that contrasted alot with the pale green of the new leaves. The leaves of the tree (above on right) turn a silvery color when they get wet, and every time the wind blows it sends light dancing off the leaves.

This newt was crossing the road when I found found him/her. Around this time of year the amphibians cross from one wetland to another for mating purposes. Not all of them make it across the roads though..

This is a large patch of May Apples I found by a vernal pool. The video is the sound of the frogs from the pool, it was really interesting sounding!

The river was running a little high because of the rain, and the water was muddy colored, not the normal clear clean looking water.

And last thing I found was this critter. I have no idea what it is, but it's all over the Ceder trees! So my best guess is it's some kina parasite. I brought a sample home and I'm working on identifying it.

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