Note on the pictures

I only use pictures I've taken myself on this blog. And these pictures are all exactly how I found things, nothing is ever moved or arranged.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Under the wood

Earlier this after noon as I was splitting wood, I moved a log of wood and noticed a lil salimander sliding quickly under another stump. So being the nature dork that I am, I ran and got a camera, and spent the next hour and fifteen minutes of so turrning over stumps looking for diffrent types of salimanders.
Now, it sounds easy enough, but they are incredibly fast!!! You don't want to touch salamanders, especially not if your hands are dry. The oils in your skin are very damaging to their own skin. So taking pictures of these buggers was very interesting....

The ring in all these pictures is worn on my littlest finger, just so you have a reference to size.

I love the black stripe on the side of this guys tail!

This little black one was very unphotogenic....

Yes, I realise this is not a salamander. But it was so awesome looking I wanted to put it up!

The most common type, theres allot of these around here.

Now, I believe these are endangered. It was pretty cool when I found 3 of them!

And that's what one will find if you just turn over a few stumps of wood.

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